Category: Greece

Marcus Berg On IFK Göteborg, Sweden And Cup Final Heroics With Panathinaikos
An interview with Marcus Berg by Callum McFadden for WFi.
You are currently in your second spell at IFK Göteborg where you are captain. How much [...]

Greece’s Gamble On Gus
By Mike Rice.
At the beginning of February 2022, Greece announced that Gus Poyet would be the replacement for John van ’t Schip as coach of its nat [...]

71 – Vasilis Torosidis: Greece v Nigeria 2010 – 90 World Cup Minutes in 90 Days
WFI‘s Adam Brandon counts down to Russia 2018 with 90 World Cup goals in 90 days, scored in the minute corresponding to the day in the countdown.
Con [...]
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