Category: Japan

From Brazil To Asian Stardom: Anderson Lopes, The Relentless Goal-Scoring Machine
By Louis Smith.
Like many Brazilians, Anderson Lopes has built a remarkable career by making the bold decision to relocate from Brazil and pursue o [...]

Shinji Kagawa Joins Growing Japanese Influence In Belgian Pro League
By Calum MacKichan.
When Shinji Kagawa was released early from his contract at PAOK Thessaloniki in December, there was heavy speculation that he w [...]

51 – Junichi Inamoto: Japan v Russia 2002 – 90 World Cup Minutes In 90 Days
WFI‘s Adam Brandon counts down to Russia 2018 with 90 World Cup goals in 90 days, scored in the minute corresponding to the day in the countdown.
Con [...]
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