Category: Revierderby

Schalke In Trouble Ahead Of Revierderby – Bundesliga Zeitung
By Andy Wales.
It’s been a few weeks since the last edition of this column. That has been down to me relocating to Germany and adjusting to big cha [...]

Dortmund Haunt Schalke As Bundesliga Makes A Ghostly Return
Bundesliga Zeitung, by Andy Wales.
I was asked how I felt about the Bundesliga returning on Saturday, and my honest response was that I was torn. O [...]

Ruhr Passion On Show As Schalke & Dortmund Share Spoils In Revierderby
Bundesliga Zeitung, by Andy Wales.
Footballing loyalties are very much divided throughout the Nordrhein-Westfalen region of Germany. I lived approx [...]

Bundesliga Tight At The Top Ahead Of Revierderby
Bundesliga Zeitung, by Andy Wales.
Bundesliga Matchday 8 started with things tight at the top of the table and, remarkably, ended with it being eve [...]

Sancho Claus Delivers Festive Revierderby Win For Dortmund – Bundesliga Zeitung
The talk this past week in the Bundesliga has been dominated by the Revierderby; the classic head-to-head game between the two powerhouse clubs of Ger [...]

Forget The Festivities, It’s Revierderby Time! – Bundesliga Zeitung
In towns and cities all over Germany the Weihnachtsmarkts (Christmas markets) are in full swing; something you must experience if you get the chance.

Schalke & Tedesco In Command After Revierderby Delight – Bundesliga Zeitung
As with most things football related in Germany, the Revierderby has a long and proud tradition.
It’s a monumental game for all those involved in t [...]
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